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Children / Youth Work on a Sunday

Jon, Kelvin and DJ lead the church with the support of the regional apostolic team.


On Sundays our Primary aged children meet up for Builders which is run by members of our Kids Work Team.

These sessions usually include a time of worship, a bible story, crafts, games and much more!


Solid is for young people in Year 6 and above. These sessions take place during the main talk on alternate Sundays. It is run by members of our Youth and Kids Work Team.


The sessions involve games, bible study, prayer and hanging out. We aim to engage, disciple, release and  encourage our young people.


During our time together on a Sunday morning our Pre-School aged children, along with their parents / carers, have a dedicated space, outside of the main hall, to meet up for Explorers.

These sessions are parent lead with a member of our Kids Work Team for company and fellowship. A range of toys are available in this area. 

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